Maintenance Management in the Process Industry

In the digitalized world, only companies that perfectly master the optimal use of their assets, save costs will have an advantage. Especially in the process industry with it’s process-driven and batch-oriented manufacturing there are high security requirements to meet and complex integrated systems to support. At the joint SAP roundtable event with Evora our customer Treibacher presented their experience of maintenance management journey using SAP mobile solutions.



Treibacher Industrie AG

Treibacher Industrie AG is an international company with over 100 years experience in chemistry and metallurgy. At its headquarters in Althofen, Austria, Treibacher develops and manufactures ferro alloys for the steel and foundry industries, powders for the carbide industry, materials for high performance ceramics and fine chemicals and special alloys. With over 25,000 maintenance orders annually (maintenance, repairs, refurbishments, malfunctions, major repairs, etc.), central availability of work order information as well as onsite support for safe handover of plant assets were crucial.


SAP Asset Manager

SAP S/4HANA ready solution was looked for and found in SAP Asset Manager for mobile maintenance support. Watch the session recording to learn how Treibacher has taken their processes and services to a new level. We show you how the transformation took place, how they benefit from the new digitalized processes, and protect their mobile workforce. The session has been held in German, feel free to get in touch with us if you want us to share the story in English.

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