Awesome people from all over the world are part of Evora: Europe, North & South America and Asia. Our team members work from home, at the country specific offices or at customer sites. As a remote workforce we utilize digital tools and platforms to efficiently communicate as a team. Our goal: effective transparency across the organization. The setup and benefits differ depending on the region. Find out more below or in detail in the job offerings.

Work and fun together
Several times a year we meet up within our regions or teams in person. We learn and work together, and have a lot of fun at events like: co-working days, team outbounds, cluster days, summer family party or X-mas, Diwali and other celebrations. On a regular basis the entire company gathers for an International Co-Working Week (ICW) at one location in Germany.
The motivation, the energy and the new insights gained this week can hardly be described, but are very noticeable in the company’s success and the satisfaction of the employees.
Find out more about how we work and have fun; meet the team and join Evora now!