Work Order Planing for Chemical Industry Services

Infraserv Höchst is the operator of Industriepark Hoechst, a 460-hectare industrial park near Frankfurt, Germany that plays host to around 90 companies doing business in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, basic and specialty chemicals, crop protection, food additives and services. Around 22,000 people work there. Their competencies range from utilities, waste management, grid and pipeline operation to site services, facility management and environment, health and safety. The Infraserv Höchst Group also provides logistics, training and process equipment services through subsidiaries.


Both preventive maintenance orders and repair orders are difficult to schedule with SAP onboard resources. If hundreds of orders are generated every day, scheduling is very time-consuming. There was no display of the workload of craftsmen and technicians, so the planner had to plan blindly at all times. It was therefore not known whether the workstation that was being planned was available at the desired time. Teams or individual resources were difficult to replan. In the event of a resource failure, rescheduling had to be done manually; a substitute in case of illness was only possible to a limited extent. Therefore, a user-friendly resource planning tool was needed that could schedule entire teams or individual employees and reschedule them even if changes were made at short notice.

After intensive research, together with Evora we have implemented EvoPlan, a great tool for order planning. We considered three essential components in our cooperation, which played a key role in ensuring the success of the project: technological feasibility (based on SAP & UI5), economic viability (business case calculation) and last but not least the human factor (usability and acceptance by users).

EvoPlan in the field

The live demonstration at the Virtual Mobile Summit highlighted the most important functions such as: Use of hierarchies in SAP for workstations & handling of absences in EvoPlan; high performance, unimpressed by the more than 1,000 demands in the list; concise planning view with the workstations to be planned with capacity display (left), the relevant processes for planning (right) and the respective filter options above each, for example with monthly, weekly or daily view, as well as other views such as planning calendar or GANTT chart.

More on EvoPlan
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Planing & Scheduling Let’s get in touch

Whether you need a flexible work order solution for your maintenance team, an optimized service task planning or the ability to efficiently involve your external workforce, Evora helps to you get it right!

Ask the Expert Jan Boeshans Head of Sales and Innovation